KenBridge School

KenBridge School


CBSE Affiliation Number 1930427 | School Code 55451
Sankar Nagar, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu 627357




Student attendance is the key to effective learning. Absence from School has a substantial negative effect on performance. Hence, the students need to be in class every day, on time.
If a child is going to be absent from school, the parent/guardian is expected to contact the office explaining the reason and the length of time the student is expected to be on leave. This can be done through phone, email, or SMS, and submit the written note one week before going on leave. In case of emergency, where the child has not been informed, on returning, the child has to carry a filed record of absence.

A small number of absences may be justified if your child :

  • has an unavoidable medical or dental appointment (preferably these should be made after school hours or during weekends)
  • is too sick to go to school, or has an infectious illness.
  • has to go to special religious ceremony.
  • is required to attend a serious and / or urgent family situation.

In case of illness beyond three days, a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner for the absence period must be submitted to the school. Parents are requested to plan their vacation/ program in such a way that it coincides with the leave schedule of the school.

Leave will not be granted on the days of tests/examinations except for extremely compassionate/ unavoidable circumstances.

The parent has to intimate such absence in advance except in case of illness.

Students are expected to attend school on the last working day and the reopening day after every vacation.