KenBridge School

KenBridge School


CBSE Affiliation Number 1930427 | School Code 55451
Sankar Nagar, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu 627357


Payment of Fees

The fee payment schedule is as follows:

Important Information

  • Due dates should be strictly adhered to.
  • The parents however, have the option of paying the fee in one installment in the first term.
  • Payment of fee has to be made at the fee counter in the school.
  • Receipt should be obtained for the amount paid.
  • Fees can be paid by cash/cheque /NEFT/Gpay. Cheques should be drawn in favor of “KenBridge School”
  • In case of cheque payment, the following details will have to be written behind the cheque. Student’s Name, Admission No., Class, Section, Installment term.
  • Students failing to pay the fee before the due dates will be charged a fine.
  • Students will not be permitted to appear for tests/examinations unless all fee dues are paid up to date.
  • School Fees, Admission Fee or any other Fee once paid will not be refunded, adjusted or transferred to some other student’s name.
  • Students will not be permitted to appear for tests/examinations unless all fee dues are paid up to date.